Home Depot is selling officially listed invasive plants.
We’re asking them to STOP.

Invasive plants threaten climate resilience and cost the U.S. economy over $100 billion every year. You can help.

81,085 signatures and counting

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81,085 signatures and counting • Add Yours Now •

Home Depot stopped selling invasive plants in California in 2015. But they’re still selling them in every other state.

Home Depot’s corporate website boasts about their commitment to environmental stewardship. So why are they still selling at least 34 invasive plant species?

Invasive plants now cover 1.4 million acres of our national park lands and waters.

“Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species.”

U.S. Forest Service

Home Depot’s 2022 Responsibility Report claims they sell “environmentally beneficial plants”…

…but Home Depot hides behind the legal distinction between “noxious weeds” and “invasive plants.” Noxious weeds are illegal to transport, grow, or sell. But in most U.S. states, the “invasive plant species” lists do not have legal authority — even though Executive Order 13112 defines invasive plants as “an alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health.” Home Depot needs to stop selling officially listed invasive plants as well as noxious weeds.

Home Depot sells several hundred varieties of plants. Only a small number of them are invasive.

We are only asking Home Depot to STOP selling the 34 species of plants they carry that are officially listed as invasive.

“Customers often don't know about invasive species, and rely on stores or nurseries to sell plants that don't harm the environment. As a Weed Warrior, I spend many hours trying to remove Japanese barberry and other invasive species that have escaped cultivation. These plants should NEVER be sold at a store or garden center.”

— Barbara Shaw

Liz Jones

“I trusted places like HD to sell me unharmful plants. Now I'm ripping them all out because they don't support our native environment and destroy it instead with inappropriate plants. Do better!”

Veronica Martin

“Most home gardeners aren’t ecologists and shouldn’t have to be — make it easier to avoid buying harmful plants, please.”

Sign the petition!

“We better fix this.”

— Douglas Tallamy

What People Are Saying

“The climate impact of continuing to sell invasive vines that infest our forests and kill our native trees is almost incalculable. In our Takoma Park community we identified over 5,000 trees at risk of dying in the next five years. Yet Home Depot and other garden centers continue selling English ivy, even when it's officially listed as invasive in 16 states. It's completely unethical — retailers can and should do something about this.”

— Jesse Buff
Chesapeake Climate Action Network

“Landowners are frustrated. Farmers are frustrated. Volunteers are frustrated. There isn’t enough time, money and energy to eradicate all of these invasive plants that have escaped people’s gardens and are hurting our farms, our national parks and our economy. To walk into a Home Depot nursery and see these invasive plants still being sold today is just adding insult to injury.”

— Elizabeth Mizell
Blue Ridge PRISM

“[We support] this important petition regarding the sale of invasive landscape plants. While the board debated singling out a single retailer, we acknowledge that this retailer is the industry leader. The Home Depot is one of only 30 companies that are part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and its stores are present in all 50 states. If we can persuade Home Depot to make changes, other landscape retailers will follow.”

— Nancy Vehrs
Virginia Native Plant Society

  • It is irresponsible and unethical to profit from the spread of invasive species.

    Jana Roberson

  • The majority of the public do not know the harm of non-native species to our environment. We have to stop the sale of such plantings to stop the further decline of the natural environment we all depend on for our health and wellness.

    Sandy Huffer

  • Home Depot, help the environment, don't help ruin it. Stop selling invasive plants.

    Cliff Brush

  • Non-native invasive plants are choking our parklands, invading our backyard, encouraging disease-carrying ticks, and competing for scarce water in many states.

    Robert Williamson

  • Anything we can do to preserve what remains of the balance of our Habitat, and that of all the flora and fauna that still surrounds us, we MUST do.

    Claire Kane

  • There are enough environmental problems in this country without adding to them by selling invasive plants.

    Michael Pawlyk

  • Profit over sustainability is not in my playbook. Contaminating native plants' survivability just to make a buck doesn't work any more.... I do as little shopping at Home Depot as possible because of the way in which you do business.

    Sally White

  • I'm in an environmental group that spends many hours of volunteer time removing invasive plants. Invasives cause serious impacts to biodiversity and are a big cause of our decreasing species of birds and insects.

    Ellie Nowels

  • I don't want invasive plants and want Home Depot to be responsible.

    Ruth Levy

  • Extremely important petition! Contact your representatives, local law makers, and state environmental protection agencies. Propose new legislation. Make noise about this. It’s critical!

    Hart’s Brook Preserve Community

  • We need to do everything we can to protect and sustain healthy eco systems.

    Marjory Basso

  • When you know better, you do better.

    Melissa Zacharias

  • Invasive species are destroying the natural balance of native species.

    Joe Paulucci

  • Because on my hikes I am watching the invasives which are already here destroy forests and Home Depot has the power to slow this nightmare down.

    Barbara Barton

  • I came to Wash DC in 1995 when the concern over invasive species was reaching national levels...It's sad though that after 27 years later we are still having to educate national companies about the dangers of selling invasive species.

    Deborah Hayes

  • Invasives destroy our native habitats that support wildlife.

    Gwen Stewart

  • I feel that it the corporate responsibility of this company to not sell invasives.

    Emily Byers

  • Many people who buy from Home Depot don't understand the damage done by invasives. It is irresponsible that Home Depot continues to offer invasives.

    Carol Ivory

  • We need corporations to be responsible for the environment, not just profits.

    Diane Baker

  • There's no need for invasive plants! Natives provide beauty, support pollinators, require less water, resist disease, all while not threatening our local ecosystems. Make the change HD!

    Zachary Brown

  • Just imagine if Home Depot took a leadership role in native plant sales and being part of saving the environment rather than being part of the problem.

    Jay ian Tutor

  • A cash grab for Home Depot costs everyone else.

    Amelia Hartung

  • I work for a local restoration company and would be happy to spend less days pulling and digging gross amounts of invasive species like European Ivy from properties I work on.

    Renee Hordyk

  • Please stop adding to the problems that end up costing billions not just in natural areas, tax payers, but to farmers as well.

    Jessica Bailey

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